The link between vision and hearing


How vision and hearing are inextricably linked. Make sure both are examined.

Age-related vision deterioration and hearing loss usually occur around the same period of life. This fact along with others has lead to the conclusion by scientists that hearing and vision are inextricably linked. An Australian study concluded that people with restricted eyesight were more likely to suffer hearing impairments and vice-versa. At birth, hearing and vision are tested at the same time however this is often where the joined up approach ends and the senses go their separate ways.

Nowadays you will see many opticians offering hearing tests. At Cameron Optometry, we believe in sticking to what we are good at, eyes. Instead we work closely with House of Hearing, who we believe are the best in their field, ears. Here Stephen Fairfield, Managing Director of House of Hearing shares the signs of possible hearing loss.

Hearing loss is often a very gradual process that may take place over a number of years with one in seven of the population experiencing some level of hearing loss at some point. Often, people do not become aware of any problem until their hearing loss has reached a level where its impact is felt in everyday communication. However, there are some early signs that you can look out for:

  • Do other people seem to mumble?
  • Is it sometimes difficult to hear other people’s voices in a noisy pub or restaurant where others seem to manage quite well?
  • Do you find other people’s TV or radio volume too low for you to hear clearly?
  • Do other people comment that your TV or radio is too loud for them?
  • Do you sometimes misunderstand what others are saying to you?
  • Do you find yourself ‘filling in the gaps’ when you have misheard what someone has said to you?
  • Do you often have to ask others to repeat what they have said to you?

With many types of hearing loss, the high frequency sounds are the first to go, which leads not to a lack of volume as such, but to speech sounding less distinct.So, while you may still hear someone talking, you may think they are mumbling and not be able to make out exactly what is being said. Increasingly finding yourself in such a situation can become difficult, and over time, you may withdraw and begin to feel isolated.

So if you, or a loved one would benefit from a hearing test, please visit House of Hearing on our recommendation where they offer a free initial hearing test.